olé OLAY

Skin care, like hair brushes are usually the last on my list of concerns. But don't mistaken me for having it "easy" by any means. I simply had different priorities during my immediate post-teen years, and I didn't really develop enough good skin care habits during my teen years to roll into my adult life. Since incorporating any sort of skin care routine only emerged in my life between the latter days of frat parties and -- as my friends like to put it -- a "real-person" job, I love using products that are hassle-free and fail-proof, and more importantly ones that don't remind me of how my lack of good post-teen habits are affecting my skin.

Shine Shine Go Away Face Wash, Long Live Moisture (products provided by OLAY) Wearing: EBERJEY robe. TWISTBAND hair tie. In the bag: LOMO camera | KAREN WALKER sunglasses | URBAN EARS headphones | TWISTBAND hair ties | in collaboration with Olay


space race


a few good things | caribbean bound