Thankful For...

My mom used to tell us that Thanksgiving (along with Mother's day) shouldn't be celebrated on just one day.  She believed that holidays where we show appreciation and gratitude should be spread throughout the year, that way we are constantly reminded to be thankful for what we have.  Though, I have spent my last few Thanksgivings in different places including Amsterdam in 2008 for a job training (quite hilarious actually experiencing Thanksgiving in Europe) to Pennsylvania with my boyfriend's family - I always make sure to remind myself of all the things that matter most.  Here are just a few things I'm grateful for...

Healthy parents who love and support me. Four siblings who are smart, outgoing, creative, and loving. A wonderful and patient boyfriend who always brings out the best in me. Brilliant friends who I can always count on to make me laugh. Fresh cut flowers, bubble baths, cashmere throws, Ben Harper. This great city I call home. Amazing readers who are so supportive of this blog.

Happy Thanksgiving


Gift Guide


Mini Apple and Agave Popovers